
What does your background say about you?

I've always wondered how people survive with boring computer backgrounds. I mean, honestly, how is it that one could never get sick of that same green hillside, staring at them for months on end? I live on my computer. I really do. And I have to change my background frequently - keep it fresh, you know? And I guess you could call my background a mirror - you can tell what kind of general mood I am in from what looks back at me from my screen.

For instance... here is an abbreviated time line of my backgrounds over the past few months:

"God Loves You" From the fabulous Exploding Dog

This was my first ever "creative" background. I LOVED Exploding Dog. I still do (but I hold that his older stuff is much better - more original) I even loved it to a point that I created a screen saver of Exploding Dog images for my computer in Tech Class. So cool.

This is from a DeviantArt page, although I cannot, for the life of me, find it again.

Over the summer I went through and even larger ladybug phase than I am normally in. I was planning out multiple ladybug tattoos, purchasing random ladybug staplers... I was out of it I guess. But this background is pretty awesome, kind of trippy too... not sure if that says anything about my summer...

I have no idea where this is from - for I Stumbled Upon it. This was the background that got me through the first week or so of school. New college, scary place. I didn't know anyone here... and I needed something to break the ice. Well, every time that I opened my computer, there was Mario on his sickeningly realistic Yoshi to brighten my day.

Not very hard to figure out... I finally got my xBox. And with it came Fallout 3. Gamertag: o Plunk It o. Let's be friends?

The Carina Nebula

This is my current background. And I'll tell you why.

The one thing that I love the most about being where I am for school is the sky. While there are some cute little towns around, nothing compares to the light pollution in Northern Virginia. I can see SO MANY stars where I am... and thus, my interest in the sky was re-kindled. As I mentioned in el first post, I no longer have the want to be a full-on astronomer... but you have to admit, that some of the coolest damn things you have ever seen can only be viewed by a telescope. Such as the Carina Nebula.

Now, what I find cool about this photo is not just that it is an awesome nebula (one of the biggest things in the sky that we can see!) There is a little weird "habit" I have. It's called "finding-weird-images-where-there-really-isn't-anything." For instance, I once found a samurai in the patterns of chalk-dust on a chalk board. I love looking at celings because I can find rabbits there. I guess it is comparable to cloud watching... only I find images in floor tiles, wallpaper, and wood grains.

And nebulas. THERE ARE DEMONS IN THIS NEBULA I SWEAR. There are three of them. In the upper left corner (right above the Keyhole Nebula) there is a skull. A big, looming skull. In the middle (around HD 93250) there is a ghoul, flying RIGHT OUT OF THE NEBULA AT YOU. WATCH OUT. And finally, on the right, the scariest of the demons is chillin, pretending to be a stellar jet, with one glowing eye, a shining smile, and a spidery claw, reaching out to get you.

I'm serious guys. Demons. In the nebula. How cool is that? I LOVE skulls and skeletons, and I love the sky. This one might be around for a while.