
I sometimes find it hard not to believe in Astrology...

...For it is far too often incredibly accurate.

Because of the class on Stars and Constellations that I am currently taking, I have become increasingly interested in those infinite celestial beings that we far too often take for granted. Even to the point where I find myself learning about the Astrology behind them.

But, seriously, horoscopes are nothing. They are no more than purposefully vague predictions and descriptions that silly superstitious folk take far too much stock in. I feel the same way... most of the time. But occasionally I will stumble across something that just can't be a coincidence - how can it all fall into place that flawlessly? And then I rethink my former convictions. I become skeptical... of my skepticism.

For instance.
Mercury is in Retrograde

Now, what exactly does that mean?

In scientific terms, Mercury really doesn't go into real retrograde motion (which would entail it physically moving backwards along it's path). Instead, like all of the other planets, Mercury goes through a phase of apparent retrograde at a certain point in it's orbit. This means simply that it appears to be moving backwards for a period of time (usually around a few weeks or so). This occurs because of the difference between the period of Earth's orbit and that of Mercury.

Mercury, the planet of our focus today, goes in to retrograde about four times a year (it has a significantly shorter orbit than we do). In 2009, we will experience the supposed horrors of the Mercury Retrograde during these dates:
  • January 11th to February 1st
  • May 8th to May 30th
  • September 8th to September 29th
  • December 27th to January 15th (2010)
Right, I got you... but what does it mean?
Yeah, yeah, today is all about Astrology, I know. But you guys all know that I would much rather rant about science. Did I tell you that I killed Math today? I did! Using Physics. But that's a story for another day... when I better understand exactly how I killed Math.

According to the "books," Mercury rules the communication in our lives. It also impacts our ability to think clearly, and travel. We can look to Mythology as to why these aspects were chosen, for Mercury was the messenger god. Hence, communication. He was also the Roman god of trade, profit, and commerce - travel and, I guess, thinking?

So when Mercury himself turns around and high-tails it in the other direction, you guessed it, all of those things go to naught. Communication fails, traveling becomes even more painful than usual, you find yourself having a hard time concentrating, isn't life hard?

I see. But why would you all-of-a-sudden take so much stock in a silly planet?
Because, believe it or not, I can feel the effects of this already. Take a look at this, an excerpt from Gala Darling's latest post, which also happens to be on Mercury's Retrograde (I wonder where I got my inspiration?).

You might find yourself getting into bizarre arguments about nothing at all, being unable to finish sentences or barely even able to form a coherent thought. Your computer & other electronic equipment is more likely to go on the fritz. You could experience travel delays, too. Double-check your flights & take a book with you to keep you occupied while you wait for the train! We don’t tend to get all the information we need at this time, so it can be hard to make big decisions & it’s not always the best time to sign a contract, either.

So, when did this retrograde begin? Sunday. So let me outline what has happened to me, a la Mercury, so far this week:
  • Russian Professor has yet to post grades, and refuses to answer anyone's emails as to why
  • Amy goes on meaningless online rants, filled, even more so than usual, with "um"s, "I don't know"s, and "fdgjksfdhgdslg"s.
  • Computer moves incredibly slow, and decides to randomly black out whilst Amy is DJ-ing her guitar lesson
  • Amy's good friend Rererer cannot manage to find her way back to campus due to travel-related issues
  • Another good friend is in a wonderful relationship, and all of a sudden, her easily flowing, coherent conversations with her partner come to a complete halt
  • Physics professor, who seriously does know his stuff, is having a surprisingly hard time getting his point across, for his in-class notes are incredibly riddled with dumb mistakes, the kind that he never makes
  • And holy cow! I plan on trying to fly out of here on Thursday...
And honestly, guys, we are only three days into the retrograde.

And your point is?
Well, my whole life, I've fought Astrology. It's silly superstition, doesn't have any scientific basis, etc. The usual arguments. But it always seems to find some way into my life - whether it be an accurate Tarot Card reading, a professional horoscope that blows me away, or a retrograde sneaking it's way into my every day life. And so, I guess I should look a little more into this. Just maybe.

And I encourage you, my friends, to explore on your own. Is this whole post just a series of coincidences? Maybe. But I'm not going to tell you what to think. Gala Darling's article on Mercury's Retrograde
is a great place to start, and she has written numerous times on other Astrological subjects, so I urge you to poke around there as well. Please, if you find anything particularly interesting, shoot it over my way, for I am always willing, and eager, to learn something new.

With those final words, I bid you all adieu.

Until forever,
Amy Plunk!


  1. my question is, although that list all seems to fit in with mercury's supposed effects, couldn't you have come up with a similar list last week, or the week of march 1st?

  2. I certainly thought of this - I do have some pretty un-communicative weeks that have absolutely nothing to do with Mercury. But my idea was this:

    I am, on paper, tracking every moment that I can think of that seems to go against the grain. I will do this through the Retrograde, and continue into my "normal" life.

    It's a pretty lax experiment, and it certainly is not perfect, but I don't care *quite* enough for it to bother me much ^_^ I guess it was just an interesting coincidence for me.

    I bet you weren't expecting a whole second essay for a response :-P

  3. lol, i like that idea, i'm curious what you come up with!

  4. You know...that's interesting. Personally, I've always believed that the aspects of every horoscope are present in every person's life at all times. It's not difficult to find instances of...new potential love, let's say. Or fresh beginnings. Or whatever else a horoscope may predict. I guess I just saw horoscopes as self-fulfilling prophecies. That people would read that just because they are a Virgo, today they would stumble upon some mysterious stranger who could potentially end up as a new romance. The world is filled with these strangers, but if someone tells us we'll see one, then we look for it.

    What always struck me about horoscopes is that they never give specifics, and sometimes, not even certainties. There are so many maybes and could bes and perhapses.

    When I was reading this post of yours, however, I did see some of the same communications issues you described. Recently, it seems that I can't seem to communicate with a few people effectively. That said, there are so many who I can communicate with.

    I'm not sure...I still think that maybe horoscopes allow us to see the world through a specific lens--to see elements that are always present, but that go unnoticed unless we're told to search for them.

  5. Meg, that's a really wonderful, sensible way to look at horoscopes.

    "To see through a specific lens..."

    I can always count on you to give me a different way to look at things. :-)
