
Sadly, html doesn't work on paper...

My name is Amy Plunk! Always with an exclamation point. And I've never considered myself good with words.

Well, scratch that. While I may have the vocabulary that I'm sure folks are envious of, I frequently just can't find the words to express myself. But you know what? When one door closes, another opens. It's cliche, for sure, but it's cliche for a reason. While I might have a hard time expressing how I feel using words, other people seem to create avenues for me without even knowing it.

I find pictures, poems, graphic art... oh isn't the internet a wonderful tool? And while I keep an almost obsessive journal in the real world, it's hard to record my interweb findings on paper. For some reason I can't get the html formatting to work. And so, a blog was born.

And while the main focus of this wonderful tool will be to post my internet findings, there will be hints at the real world as well. I like to think that I am an OK photographer, so you might see a picture or two pop up. And honestly, who can plan these things ahead of time? You never know when a flier or a Snapple cap will peak my interest enough for me to want to share it with you.

So welcome, welcome all, to Under a Dome... titled as such after a quote from my Astronomy professor, the wonderfully Scottish Professor Zissell. It was when he said these words that I knew I never, ever wanted to be an astronomer; "When you're in a dome you don't see much of what goes on." As cool as they are, I don't think I could stand living life in an observatory, literally or metaphorically. For what fun is there in looking at only one strip of the sky at a time? I want to see it all, take it in, be available to every little shooting star that wants to be seen. For, if you are focused on that one little spot, you might never know what is going on just beyond the boundary.

So again I say welcome to anyone who wishes to follow along - I cannot say that you will understand my infinite ramblings, but I can say that there will be enough of them for you to never get bored.

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